For my fourth learning objective i tasked myself with having more input when creating the songs as i have before. I decided that we should change the key of the Pity sex song, discussed chords and structures with Jake on the songs. When working with a click i decided what bpm would be best to work to. I made changes to some lyrics and composed some of the bass tracks.
Project Management – LO3
As one of my Learning objectives I wanted to improve my project managing skills. This included meeting with musicians, Sending demos and making sure that we got the best performances we could. I managed to arrange meetings with everyone we worked with and sent demos of each song with a description of what it was we were looking for. When sending the demo to Paul Chave we discussed if he wanted us to write lyrics or if he wanted to write his own and he chose to write his own and fit them to the Demo that we sent over. When recording Title fight Sam struggled to get the vocal melody for the verse sections so instead of it clouding his performance and putting him off we decided to record the Chorus sections separate and then Jake sang the verses. We organised to pick up Sam so that he had transport to and from the studio. I arranged for Sam and Sarah to come to the studio for the same time so that they had chance to practice the vocal melody together for Pity sex.
Vocal recording and Processing – LO1
For Title Fight, Pity Sex and Superheaven we recorded vocals with the Neumann U87 and two C3000’s as overheads for natural reverb. For Code orange and Angel dust we used a Shure SM58 as the vocals were aesthetically supposed to be harsher and less clean.

When processing vocals I used Compression, Reverb, Lo-fi filter and EQ

Ihave not used the Lo-fi Filter on vocals before so it was interesting to try something new
Guitar Recording
For recording guitar we used utilised the space we had and the mics we had at hand. For the Title fight song after finding out that when recording Floral Green they layered their guitar tracks we did the same and recorded the guitar. We did three separate recordings with an AKG 414 and a Shure SM57 both on the amp and one recording we set up the guitar ampand mic in the hallways and used an AKG C3000 as a room mic at the other end of the hall.